Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hair Today

I don't have proper 'before-and-after' photos because I deleted the 'befores' by accident when I was trying to load them off the camera.So you get something even better -
old ACTION SHOTS from the Fall
(bellydancing in a show in Chilliwack, setting up Physics experiments in the basement in Agassiz).
You can still compare my old hair with, well, the youngest part of my old hair.

Life is


cocktail umbrellas said...

Nice haircut Sam ^_~ You look super cute with short hair (and I'll bet it's way easier to deal with, eh?)

Someday perhaps I'll have the balls to cut mine short again, but at this point in time it's probably more likely that I'll let it grow past my bum :P AAaaaanywho, hope all is well in the land of Sam. Talk to you soon eh? I'm kinda excited I can spy on you through this XD You know where to find mine :P

Much with the <3

Your shorty of cocktail umbrellas (and change too?)

(Blight, I had to sign up 'cause you don't deal with anon. losers like myself :P)

Concerned Albertan said...

When did you start belly dancing? Short hair is nice on you, but maybe that is just because that is all I can remember.

Unknown said...

I like it...I was going to comment on it in person. But then I chickened out. See, I'm one of those people who tends not to notice things like that. Well, it's more when people make subtle changes like cutting off an inch of hair or dying it a slightly lighter shade of blonde, or getting streaks or something; your hair cut was pretty drastic, so I think I was bound to notice. Yet I still found it weird that I HAD noticed because I so often don't, and so I was afraid to say anything in case I was wrong. babble babble!

See you at 4:30 (presumably)

Anonymous said...

I really like it!

how are you doing by the way?


JennM said...

Hey Sam!!

Love the new do!!! So are we going to see you next weekend? What are your plans?

Gabs said...

OHMYGOODNESS!! That looks so good. It's been like... five months since then, but I haven't seen you!!

Marianne said...

Great to hear all about your Swiss adventures!! Your writing is so poetic and romantic - I can see it in my mind. Was thinking of you when I found a strange spider-like bug that I've never seen before. Was going to mail the critter to you to see what you thought, but Ted turfed it before I got it in an envelope. Long front legs with large pincers. He was tough - had a hard body. Otherwise looked similar to all the other spiders that reside with us.
We had five inches of snow today (May 26th) which was a rude awakening. Keep well, and thanks for the update.
All our love, T & m.a.

Anonymous said...

Good post.